Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Lifestyle Modifications Provider Adherence - 1492 Words

Lifestyle Modifications: Provider Adherence to JNC7 Guidelines Introduction Hypertension, a condition more commonly known as high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for many medical diseases and comorbidities. Hypertension affects 1 of 3 American adults each year, leading to comorbidities such as heart disease, coronary artery disease, stroke, and kidney disease. The treatment of hypertension totals $46 billion annually (CDC High Blood Pressure Facts, 2015). Clinical treatment guidelines, developed in 2003 by The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7), were established for clinician management of hypertensive patients. The JNC 7 produces a standard of care in classification and treatment of hypertension, establishing standards for providers to educate their hypertensive patients in areas such as lifestyle modifications and pharmacological treatment. The JNC 7 recommends that lifestyle modifications, such as weight loss and exercise, be the preliminary treatment plan for lowering blood pressure and specifically recommends a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products as outlined in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet (C. Hobanian et al., 2003). More currently, JNC7 recommendations have been modified in the Eighth Report of the Joint National Committee (JNC 8), increasing the baseline blood pressure goal (Sessoms, Reid, Williams, Show MoreRelatedDiabetes : A Common And Well Known Disease1564 Words   |  7 Pagescommon and well-known disease in the US. Healthcare providers manage the care of patients daily as both direct and indirect effects of diabetes contribute to their poor health. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is characterized by high blood sugar levels as a result of insulin resistance. The risk factors associated with an increasing prevalence in the US includes genetics, family history, poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity.1 Healthcare providers are challenged to assess each diab etic patient’sRead MoreDeveloping The Strategy For Children With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus1580 Words   |  7 Pagesby outlining various factors related to problems of diabetes regimen adherence. Therefore, issues such as demographics, psychological and social factors are of concern, alongside other factors such as medical systems, healthcare providers, and factors related to disease and treatment (Chesanow, 2014). Of course the best way to address the challenges of noncompliance is to implement an educational protocol to improve adherence. 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Lifestyle Modification913 Words   |  4 Pagesof Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults. However, the 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline has still not gained multinational acceptance among providers (Stone, 2014). Pharmaceutical treatment versus lifestyle modification has been a controversy among the scientific community (Sin atra, 2014). Provider adherence to the 2013 ACC/AHA Cholesterol Guideline in order to achieve universal standard of care remains a challenge. The recent guideline represents a major shift from priorRead MoreHealth Disease Choice : Diabetes802 Words   |  4 Pagesimpact the optimal glycemic control and reduce the risk for complications. A multidisciplinary approach is vital in the delivery of nutritional care. To maximize the benefit of nutritional care, it must be individualized, accounting the patient’s lifestyle and beliefs, preferences, and willingness to change. 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There are ways to help manage heart failure like lifestyle modifications and use of pharmacology, and assessment for surgical intervention. Treatment of heart failure requires intensive medical, dietary, behavioral, and lifestyle modification to achieve improved quality of life, fewer hospitalizations, and decreased mortality (Singh, H., McGregor, Nigro, Higginson, and Larsen, 2014). SynthesisRead MoreEthical Decision # 5 : Uncooperating Patient Essay872 Words   |  4 Pageshowever despite the adherence to the therapy, she was frequently hospitalized due to the ketoacidosis episodes. After she joined the diabetic program, she was better able to manage her life-style choices which help her to accomplish better therapeutic outcomes. Regrettably three years ago, Ms. Dennis went through a dreadful divorce followed by a loss of her executive position. Since then, she has been noncompliant with her insulin therapy as well as with her lifestyle modifications. She started to abuse

Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay on Use of Terror in the French Revolution - 1108 Words

In the late 18th century of France, the third estate made up of the lower class of France had been oppressed and overtaxed, and received very little representation at the Estates General. The commoners of France wanted change and equality throughout France so they separated from the Estates General and formed their own government to govern France. A few years later in 1792, Maximilian Robespierre, the radical leader of the Jacobin party and the Committee of Public Safety, took control of France and executed king Louis XVI. Robespierre had a vision of a new France where everyone was equal. In order to reach his goal of completely reconstructing France, Robespierre unleashed a campaign of terror. Terror was used to enforce his†¦show more content†¦In the Estates General, the clergy and the nobility each had there own estate and the rest of the population, 98% of France, shared one vote. Because the Clergy and the Nobility both voted to tax the third estate more at the E states General, supporting the old government and igniting the revolution, Robespierre’s reign of terror was targeted mostly at the first two Estates. During the reign of terror, Robespierre executed any people suspected of supporting the monarchy or the old form of government. Robespierre and the committee of public safety executed approximately 13,880 French citizens, 5530 or 40% of these citizens came from the nobility, clergy, and middle class, three groups who made up only 6% of the total population. Also, more terror and executions occurred in locations of high internal disturbances. Robespierre’s reign of terror targeted mainly the nobility and the clergy, and responded to riots, or any other internal disturbances that threatened his power. Robespierre began to use his more terror not only as a way to enforce the revolutionary ideas, but as a way to secure his own power by suppressing internal disturbances in france. Because of his extreme use of terror, Maximillian Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety were removed from power. Robespierre used his the reign of terror as a wayShow MoreRelatedRevolution: the Cost of Frances Liberty863 Words   |  4 Pagesthe French Revolution of 1789. This period is often characterized as needlessly violent, as gruesome events such as the Reign of Terror took place, in addition to many executions and riots. Despite the excessive bloodshed that dominated the era, the French Revolution’s violence was not in vain, for the legacy of the revolution has ignited scores of independence movements in its wake and inspired new ideologies that continue to shape the modern world. To resolve the chaos that the revolution provokedRead MoreTerror Dominates Our Perceptions Of The French Revolution1132 Words   |  5 PagesTerror dominates our perceptions of the french Revolution. Terror was a brief but deadly period where Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety and the Revolutionary Tribunals, condemned thousands of people to die on the guillotine. The Reign of Terror was not driven by one man, one body,or one policy; It was shape by different forces and factors. The Reign of Terror was certainly the most violent period of the French Revolution. Between the years of 1793 and 1794 more than 50,000 people wereRead MoreThe Downfall Of The French Social Structure And Civilisation1636 Words   |  7 PagesEighteenth century Europe, the French monarchy maintains a long and historic past, but with the introduction of a naive King, the downfall of the French social structure and civilisation is certain. 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The French Revolution started at 1789Read More Maximillien Robespierre Essay1722 Words   |  7 PagesMaximillien Robespierre   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maximillien Robespierre is commonly viewed as the symbol of the Reign of Terror, the short period in which thousands of people were executed because they were thought to be traitors. However, Maximillien was actually an idealistic reformer with an image of peace and equality driving him on, who is unfairly credited with the Terror, and assumed to be a power-hungry tyrant.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maximillien was able to attend a prominent educational institution. He became an intelligentRead MoreA Concise History Of The French Revolution860 Words   |  4 Pagesreview, I have read and evaluated Sylvia Neely’s history book entitled A Concise History of the French Revolution published in 2007 by Rowman Littlefield Publishers. Neely’s purpose is to gives an overview of the French revolution with the most important events, the most prominent people and the essential terms. We can see that the author proved her thesis by explaining the background causes of the revolution such as the ancient regime with Louis XVI. Also she described all important events in chronologicalRead More Twelve Who Ruled – Why Tenacious Terror was Necessary Essay1352 Words   |  6 PagesIn the year 1793-94, the Reign of Terror invoked by the twelve members of Committee of Public Safety (CPS) was unavoidable and led the way for a metamorphosis to occur within Fran ce during the French Revolution. While the word terror is often associated with Halloween or stories meant to be frightening for fun, the word held a far more serious meaning to the people of France. The theme of fear allowed the CPS members to change the monarchy to a revolutionary government in hopes of eventually enactingRead MoreThe French Revolution First Popularized The Words Terrorist And Terrorism 1506 Words   |  7 Pages Whereas the French Revolution first popularized the words ‘terrorist’ and ‘terrorism’, its contemporary understanding differs from its revolutionary meaning in 1794. The serious economic difficulties, the threat of foreign invasions and the social structure of the French government are some of the causes that led to the fall of the monarchy in August 1792. Left without a constitution for almost three years and at the hands of a revolutionary government, the reign of terror suggests an example toRead MoreLife of Maxamillian Robespierre979 Words   |  4 Pagesand fall as the leader of the French Revolution. Known as â€Å"The Incorruptible†, or alternately â€Å"Dictateur Sanguinaire† Robespierre is a monumental figure of the French Revolution, but which was he? Was he the incorruptible revolutionist fighting to overthrow the Ancien Regime or a raging radical that implemented his own absolute tendencies under the cover of the revolution? When dissecting the dichotomy of Robespierre’s life and actions during the French Revolution and comparing it to the sevenRead MoreThe Mentality of the French Revolution1496 Words   |  6 PagesTerrorism is often associated nowadays with radical extremist groups, who use terror as their only method of power to attain their goals from others. The first time â€Å"terror† was actually used however was during the French revolution. The reign of terror was seen in the aftermath of the execution of the King. It was a product of the mentality of the revolution. With everyday that passed, the uncertainty amongst the people grew, and actions became more and more drastic. With the King no longer in the

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Developing Corrective Actions †Free Sample - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Developing Corrective Actions. Answer: Introduction: Every problem at the organizational level needs to be corrected immediately; however, some problems keep repeating and those are not resolvable through a quick intervention. Such repeatable issues and problems are needed to be resolved to get long-term benefits (Massett et al., 2016). This study is also aimed at identifying suitable interventions or corrective actions to reduce the stress level of employees and enhance their satisfaction level who is working in RSPCA, Australia. The work nature at the RSPCA is probably the core reason behind the increasing stress in employees. However, some other reasons are also there, which are mainly linked to the employee on how they see their job (Jones, Sharp Norris, 2015). The assignment uses the Hayes Interventions to introduce the required corrective actions for RSPCA (, 2018). Developing corrective actions (interventions) using Hayes Interventions: Using appropriate interventions for the identified issue and the area of opportunities: Hayes Interventions was being introduced by Mr. Hayes who is popularly known for resolving various kinds of critical issues like suicide cases also. Mr. Hayes has developed an eight-point checklist that Mr. Hayes follows to rectify the issue (, 2018). However, all of the interventions may or may not be feasible to the issue identified in RSPCA. Following is the list of appropriate interventions that are being taken from the Hayes List of Interventions (, 2018): Training This is one of the interventions of Hayes Interventions. It can be used in RSPCA for educating its employees on the nature of work. They may also be put to counseling sessions. Counseling session will focus on listening to the issue of employees and providing them the relevant answers. Opportunities include like employees will be educated on the nature of work and the employers expectations from them, the benefits of being caregivers to animals who have no shelters will be highlighted and a bonding between the employees the employers will be formed (Nunan, 2017). Identification and Screening This intervention will help to identify and screen the issues of each employee. Opportunities include such as employees will feel valued as they have been asked by the employers to share the individual issue (Kurtessis et al., 2017). Communication This is very important as senior managers of RSPCA are found as less indulgent in the organizational matters. This may provide several opportunities such as communication gap between the senior managers and the employees will be resolved, both will get to understand the each others expectations and they might try to meet the requirements of each others (Nunan, 2017). Supervision As discussed earlier, this is missing notably in RSPCA because senior managers have been found as less indulgent in organizational matters in the Assignment 2. An effective supervision may provide several opportunities such as the participation of employees, which is suspected to reduce in the coming future (Nunan, 2017). Involvement As discussed in the assignment 2, the senior managers of RSPCA are less indulgent to the organizational matters. Additionally, employees are dissatisfied and feeling tired as well. The tiredness is due to the job nature. Involvement from both ends is missing. This intervention may give opportunities like managers involvement is expected to increase and employees will feel energetic (Nunan, 2017). Reporting This will enable a system that will facilitate the reporting system where employees will report to the senior managers about any of their issues. Moreover, managers will also show a positive acceptance to the report. Opportunities include such as communication between the managers and the employees will become smoother and moreover, employees issues will be acknowledged, which may help employees to gain in trust over the senior managers (Gigler et al., 2014). Follow-up This is indeed very necessary as it will avoid any negative consequence of the implemented interventions. A follow-up procedure will help the senior managers to know the level of adaptation in employees to the training materials. This may provide opportunities such as senior managers will have knowledge of how the intervention is progressing and also the differences that it has brought to the employees (Nunan, 2017). Discussing the selected intervention: Hayes Intervention has been selected for resolving the issues, which are slowly becoming an epidemic in RSPCA. The intervention is selected because Hayes Intervention has been identified as a useful measure against the social causes like suicides, organizational matters like employees performance and much other ( 2018). Intervention is useful because it offers a list of the checklist, which systemizes the works. Nevertheless, systemization misses notably in RSPCA (, 2018). There is very less connectivity between the senior managers and the employees. This is just threatening to the future of RSPCA as employees dissatisfaction is remaining unnoticed by its senior managers. The nature of work is expected to add fuels to the dissatisfaction level. Moreover, some of them might end of quitting the job (Lu Gursoy, 2016). The Hayes Intervention will help the senior managers and the employees to have a strong bonding between each other. Moreover, they will be able to underst and each others responsibilities, which may motivate employees to have patience as their job needs the same (, 2018). Put forward the expected future after implementing the Hayes Interventions: The expected future after implementing the Hayes Intervention may be much brighter for RSPCA. Fair communication may establish between the managers and employees. The counseling process may help the employees overcoming their negative thoughts (Masdonati et al., 2014). Every single issue will be addressed seriously by the senior managers. Employees will have positive attitudes, which are missing significantly at the moment. The RSPCA Company will prosper to have a better business due to a changed organizational practice like committed senior managers and the dedicated employees (Van der Kolk Schokker, 2016). Conclusion: To conclude, RSPCA may be benefitted from Hayes Intervention as the intervention will bring a much-needed change in the think tank of both the senior managers and the employees. Employees will get to know their responsibilities, which will help them to stay positive while taking care of the animals. Senior managers will involve them in the various kinds of organizational matters. This will improve the organizational communication and will help to reduce the communication gap that exists at the moment. References: Gigler, F., Kanodia, C., Sapra, H., Venugopalan, R. (2014). How Frequent Financial Reporting Can Cause Managerial Short?Termism: An Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Increasing Reporting Frequency. Journal of Accounting Research, 52(2), 357-387. Jones, B., Sharp, T., Norris, J. (2015, April). Welfare considerations for cat management. In 2015 National Feral Cat Management Workshop (p. 95). Kurtessis, J. N., Eisenberger, R., Ford, M. T., Buffardi, L. C., Stewart, K. A., Adis, C. S. (2017). Perceived organizational support: A meta-analytic evaluation of organizational support theory. Journal of Management, 43(6), 1854-1884. Lu, A. C. C., Gursoy, D. (2016). Impact of job burnout on satisfaction and turnover intention: do generational differences matter?. Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research, 40(2), 210-235. Masdonati, J., Perdrix, S., Massoudi, K., Rossier, J. (2014). Working alliance as a moderator and a mediator of career counseling effectiveness. Journal of Career Assessment, 22(1), 3-17. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Jan. 2018]. Massett, H. A., Mishkin, G., Rubinstein, L., Ivy, S. P., Denicoff, A., Godwin, E., ... Abrams, J. S. (2016). Challenges facing early phase trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute: an analysis of corrective action plans to improve accrual. Clinical Cancer Research, 22(22), 5408-5416. Nunan, D. (2017). Does learner strategy training make a difference?. Lenguas Modernas, (24), 123-142. Van der Kolk, B., Schokker, T. (2016). Strategy implementation through hierarchical couplings in a management control package: an explorative case study. Journal of Management Control, 27(2-3), 129-154.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Scarlet Letter Essays (663 words) - Film, English-language Films

Scarlet Letter In the book The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a character by the name of Roger Chillingworth had committed the unpardonable sin and he basically killed another character, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Everyone has been in a position where they have had the chance of manipulating or blackmailing someone. Chillingworth did exactly that and ended up breaking down Dimmesdale to his death. Dimmesdale was not the single one affected by Chillingworth's deeds. Chillingworth had a spouse, but no one knew of their relationship. Her name was Hester Prynne and she had an illegitimate child named Pearl. The Reverend Dimmesdale had an affair with Hester, and he is the real father of Pearl. Throughout the novel the people of Boston were withheld this information, along with the information of Hester's real husband. Chillingworth was a physician, or back in those days a doctor was called a leech. Dimmesdale started to feel ill, thus starting the beginning of his end. Dimmesdale became not simply a patient of Chillingworth, but a roommate as well. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth has come to know the minister's most private emotions, and he has begun to suspect that Dimmesdale's illness is the result of a deep secret that has at no time been confided with another. In a sequestered conversation with Hester, Chillingworth made a vow to descry the real father of Pearl, and expose him. In a conversation with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth brings up the question of why an individual would be willing to carry "secret sins" to his grave sooner than confess them during his lifetime. Dimmesdale and Chillingworth exchange their thoughts. One of Chillingworth's was, "Wouldst thou have me to believe, O wise and pious friend, that a false show can be better-can be more for God's glory, or man's welfare-than God's own truth? Trust me, such men deceive themselves!" To this Dimmesdale feels uneasy and changes the subject. The execution of this act caused Chillingworth to become suspicious. A few days later, Chillingworth found Dimmesdale asleep in a chair. Chillingworth silently approached Dimmesdale. Once Chillingworth had reached his destination, he swiftly removed Dimmesdale's church robe and saw the scarlet letter on the chest before him, hence ending Chillingworth's search for the father of Pearl. Now that Chillingworth knew Hester and Dimmesdale's secret, his metamorphosis was complete. Chillingworth had gone from a caring individual to a devil. Chillingworth acknowledges this, he says in a conversation with Hester, "Dost thou remember me? Was I not, though you might deem me cold, nevertheless a man thoughtful for others, craving little for himself,--kind, true, just, and of constant, if not warm affections?....And what I am now?....I have already told thee what I am! A fiend! Who made me so?!" Chillingworth believes Dimmesdale made him into a "fiend". To Chillingworth, Dimmesdale was weak and had what was coming to him. Hawthorne speaks of Chillingworth's death with no emotion, even though Chillingworth played a large role in the death of Dimmesdale. Chillingworth tortured Dimmesdale to his death. Chillingworth proclaimed"hadst thou sought the whole earth over there was no one place so secret?no high place nor lowly place where thou couldst have escaped me?save on this very scaffold!" Dimmesdale had finally out of captivity. In addition, Dimmesdale asks God to forgive Chillingworth of his sin. Chillingworth could no longer bother Dimmesdale. In the last chapter of the book, Nathaniel Hawthorne tells of how Robert Chillingworth withered up and shriveled away. Hawthorne acquaints that the physician's fate was the most horrible of the three because his sin was the darkest. In the beginning of The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne depicts Chillingworth as a stranger, but also as a compassionate man. Chillingworth made a deal with Hester that he will not tell everyone that he is her husband. Chillingworth does a little investigating on Dimmesdale because of Dimmesdale's unusual acts and behavior. After finding out the truth, Chillingworth begins to torment Dimmesdale up till his last breath. Chillingworth forced Hester to keep her vow of silence in which she would not reveal his relationship with her as her spouse to anyone. In conclusion, Chillingworth performed the inadmissible sin in which he vexes Reverend Dimmesdale to his ultimate doom.