Sunday, January 26, 2020

Theories for Optimistic Personality Traits: A Reflection

Theories for Optimistic Personality Traits: A Reflection Eunice Khong Ee Thian Question 2 (a) I am an optimistic person. Optimism is an individual variable. It embodies the extent to which individuals hold generalized expectancies for their future. Persons with high level of optimism have better subjective well-being when facing adversity. Researches also pointed that optimism has been associated to higher levels of engagement coping and lower level of avoidance. Optimism also linked with health-protective behaviors (Carver, Scheier, Segerstrom, 2010). I always believe that there are always good thing waiting for me ahead. I always look thing in the bright side. No doubt that disappointments and sadness will happen sometimes but I prefer to face challenges and difficulties positively and believe all the problems can be solved one day instead blamed on the problems and others. I always find ways and take actions to solve problems rather than avoid facing them. For instance, during exam, I believe myself can do well in the papers instead of failing them. As optimism also highly associated with resilience which is bouncing back power when facing adversity, I found that the intensity of my optimistic behavior is high and this lead me to have high level of resilience because I do not easily bow to difficulties. (b) I have born in a positive family environment. My parents are also very optimistic. No matter how difficult the situations were, they always showed me and taught me to face adversity positively when I small until now. I am the only child in my family; no doubt my parents will put the most care and attention on me. However, they do not too pamper me. They like my friends and let me make my own decisions. They respect my decisions and also will give me suggestions when I’m making decisions as some guidelines for me. The respect that they gave me made me have confident to face all the challenges positively. As an example, they let me to choose the course that I want to study and which university I want to go to further my study. They do not restrict my freedom but encourage me to pursue my own dreams. Thus, my optimistic behavior has to thank for my parents as they made me have the courage to enrich my life. Besides that, the environment I join is supportive. I like to join with persons who have positive thinking because they make me feel active, fresh and energetic. When in school, I prefer to join friends with positive behaviors. The supports and encouragements that they gave me also is one of the reasons that made me have optimistic behavior. For instance, I have a group of friends who I used to organize events with them in secondary school. I enjoyed the moment when we organized events because no matter how tired we were, we will support each other to across the difficulties together happily but not blame on each other. This also influenced me to be optimistic. (c) Biopsychosocial model integrates biological, psychological and sociocultural factors for explaining a behavior. Optimistic behavior can affect a person biologically. Plenty of researches figured out that optimists have higher survival rate from illness than pessimists. Optimists tend to have better physical health and mental health compare to pessimists. This may because of optimists have greater persistent goal pursuit and active coping with stressors while confronting adversity (Carver, Scheier, Segerstrom, 2010). According to the study of Schou, Ekeberg, Ruland (2005), optimists have greater fighting spirit when facing illness hence they may have better quality of life compare to pessimists (as cited in Carver, Scheier, Segerstrom, 2010). I have skin allergies since I am 9 years old. It is very itchy and irritated when it started. Optimistic behavior braces me up to fight with this disease bravely as I realized that I should not tie by this issue since I have other more signifi cant things are waiting for me to complete rather than always depress on this disease. I feel more relax and less burden when I started to view the disease from the bright side. Besides that, optimistic behavior also helps in coping stress. Individuals with optimistic behavior can cope with stress better and less depresses and has less adverse impact on their physical health (Carver, Scheier, Segerstrom, 2010). For instance, optimistic behavior helps me to survive through many exams. Exams are stressful event. I can cope with the stress during exams with optimistic behavior such as learn to relax instead of nervously prepare for exams. Optimistic behavior also will affect a person psychologically. People will have different feelings and reactions when encountering problems such as enthusiasm or anxiety. How a person feels is related to the differences level of optimism. Optimists expect good outcomes while pessimists expect bad outcomes (Carver, Scheier, Segerstrom, 2010). This will influence a person attitude and behavior. Optimists will have positive attitude and behavior such as hopeful, helpful, enthusiasm and persistent. However, pessimists will have negative attitude and behavior such as hopelessness, easily give up and fragile. Optimistic behavior has helping me a lots in shaping me to become positive. According to my friends, I am the kind of happy-go-lucky and cheerful person. This behavior has helped me earn a lot of precious friendships. Furthermore, according to the study of Sdberg Ness and Segerstrom (2006), optimists are using various types of coping strategies in confronting adversity such as problem- focused coping and engagement coping to solve problems. However, pessimists are always using avoidance coping and disengagement coping while facing challenges (as cited in Carver, Scheier, Segerstrom, 2010). Optimists always learn how to solve problems while pessismists always avoid to face problems and prefer to stay in their comfort zone. For example, me and my parents tried a lot of ways to cure my allergies problem rather than doing nothing and keep on depress. From sociocultural perspective, optimistic behavior is associated with the social environment and culture around an individual. Optimists have better social connections and easier be accepted by others than pessismists as people like someone who express positive thinkings rather than negative expectations (Carver, Scheier, Segerstrom, 2010). Optimists gain more social support from the surrounding. I accepted by my frirends as I always express positive thinkings and feelings to them hence I gain supports from them. Culture will also influence a person’s behavior, believe and thought. Individuals who in a culture which full of negative thoughts, anxiey and sadess are easily become pessimists. In the other hand, if a culture always promote positve, enthusiasm and hopeful atmosphere, individuals are more optimistic. For instance, in my family culture, my parents always encourage me to view thing from the positive side. Therefore, I learn to be optimistic after be edified by my parents. In conclusion, my optimistic behavior is not caused by only one factor. Parents, peers and the people surroundings play an important role in helping me to build optimistic behavior. Hence, people should work together and take in every aspect such as biological, psychological and sociocultural factors as consideration in building children positive characteristics. References Carver, C., Scheier, M., Segerstrom, S. (2010). Optimism. Clinical Psychology Review, 879-889.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Rationale: Learning and F-16 Falcon Paper

Rationale for Micro Teach 1 I have chosen the topic of making an F-16 falcon paper aeroplane as an ice breaking exercise; this will create a fun atmosphere and will help build a good working rapport with my students helping the students to relax making the learning environment a lot more comfortable, which in turn will aid learning. Equal opportunities are met by this topic and the method is not gender, ethical, moral or socially biased.This initial lesson will help me gain an understanding of the student’s practical skill capabilities. A practical first lesson will help me visually assess student’s ability to work with equipment and to follow simple instructions, as students progress through the harder stages of the demonstration, some students will pick up the skill almost immediately whilst others may struggle informing me of the levels that these students will learn at. Kolb learning cycle will help the students to achieve the final product.Through the actual proces s of creating the plane, students would be having concrete experience. Students will be able to observe and reflect at each stage helping them to perform each step at a time. Students will then be able to learn from the experience (Abstract Conceptualisation), through trial and error on the harder stages. Finally they will be making the final product and testing it, which refers back to the original concrete experience.The use of PowerPoint to demonstrate the processes involved will be aimed towards the learners who learn via the cognitive domain, these learners work from visual knowledge by applying the instructions. This will be white writing on a blue background to help aid any learners with dyslexia as this is a preferred visual style. Psychomotor domain learners will have the most benefit throughout the actual process of making the plane; these learners can then visually see the processes involved and will immediately be able to mimic the actions involved.There will be an under lying of the cognitive domain for these type learners to help reflect. I will have a pre-made product to show the class as an example, this type of resource can be passed around the class for all to see the method used in construction. I am able to offer assistance to those pupils who I feel may lack in confidence with practical activities, as this type of exercise will allow me to move around the classroom and see learners progress on a one to one basis.The affective domain learners will gain from personal tuition, and in return will be able to complete this exercise. As I go from person to person giving advice and hands on help, I can also mentally assess those learners in the other two domains as I see them progress. My learning objectives will be: These are obtainable and I will know that they have been achieved by the end of the lesson, through the learners answering questions and once learners have successfully made the F-16.As this is my first teaching experience I will be ne rvous but will teach with confidence, I have thoroughly researched this topic, and therefore have a strong basis of the topic being taught. Learners will see that I have a great knowledge of the subject and this will be portrayed throughout the lesson. I will achieve this by having correct posture, effective body language, and will use eye contact; I will use my voice to maintain a steady pace so that my language will flow. Whatever happens you need to cultivate a confident exterior, even if it is something of an act and you are feeling far from assured inside. † (Capel, Leask & Turner 2005)References Capel, S & Leask, M & Turner, T 2005, Learning to teach in the secondary school: a companion to school experience, London ; Routledge Kolb learning cycle [Online]. Available from : http://www. ldu. leeds. ac. uk/ldu/sddu_multimedia/kolb/kolb_flash. htm District, F D A C C 2010. Learning Domains [Online]. Available from : http://pixel. fhda. edu/id/learning_domain. html

Friday, January 10, 2020

Primal Fear Essay

Primal Fear (1996) is a film adaptation of William Diehl’s novel; it is a story about an altar boy portrayed by Edward Norton who is allegedly accused with murder of a city archbishop. Richard Gere was the defense attorney who holds his case. Martin Vail (Gere) is a well-known defense attorney in Chicago who seizes the opportunity to represent Aaron Stampler (Norton), a young altar boy who is charged with the city’s archbishop’s murder, in order to get some exposure. Stampler was caught during a foot chase right after the archbishop’s killing with his clothes drenched in blood. Frances McDormand (Molly Arlington) is the psychologist who examined Stampler for the court. Stampler stated to be present at the time of the killing of the archbishop, although he declared that someone in the room do the killing whereas he had a blackout or as he says he had a â€Å"lost time†. In the beginning Vail was only interested in the publicity and media hype that the case will create in his career, but then as the story goes he is determined to prove that his client is really innocent and above suspicion. He also believed that every defendant ought to have an experienced defense just like him. As the story progresses, Vail happened to get hold of data about the influential community leaders, together with the District Attorney, undergone a real estate investment wherein they lost millions because of the Archbishop who discontinue to develop certain land property of the church. And as a result the archbishop constantly received death threats. Vail also discovered that the altar boys, including Stampler were sexually exploited by the archbishop. Together with his (Stampler) girlfriend, Linda, the archbishop told them to have sex while the latter filmed them. Vail presented this data, along with the video tape as evidence. He figured out that it would create a sympathetic and approving impression to the jury for Stampler and would help them to win the case. However, the trial does not progress agreeably for the defense, since there is substantial proof of evidence against Stampler. In addition, the people judgment considers him roughly without a doubt guilty. On one occasion Vail confronts Stampler and charge him of being a liar, Aaron breaks down and transforms into a new personality who identifies himself as â€Å"Roy. Different from the meek and modest Aaron, Roy is an aggressive individual. He admitted that he is the one who murdered the archbishop and hurls Vail against the wall, that wounded him. Subsequent to the incident, Aaron has no memory of it. The psychiatric specialist examining Aaron’s behavior believes he have a medical condition called multiple personality disorder. However, as they are by currently in the middle of the court case, they cannot change the appeal to not guilty by grounds of insanity. Therefore, Vail makes a decision to put up an argument at the hearing. When harshly cross-examined by the prosecutor, Janet Venable, who is an ex-girlfriend of Vail, Aaron becomes Roy and attacked at her, threatening to break her neck if anyone approaches him. Court marshals were able to calm Aaron down and returned him back to his cell. From what had happened, Aaron’s evident mental illness, which is now apparent to the jury, the judge dismisses the case and ordered that Aaron will be sent to a mental institution wherein he will remain under assessment, and to receive therapy for his illness then will possibly be released in due course. In the closing scene of the film, Vail went to see Aaron to inform him this information. Aaron remembers nothing of what occurred in the courtroom, experiencing once more â€Å"lost time. † After hearing the judge’s decision that he will probably be freed soon, Aaron embraced him with extreme gratefulness. Although, as Vail is on his way out of the cell, Aaron asks him to say to Ms. Venable that he hopes that her neck is okay, which is not what would Aaron be supposed to have remember and recall if he had â€Å"lost time. † When Vail took into account what Stampler had said, he questioned the boy about it. Stampler hesitant at first, begin to clapped his hand and congratulate his lawyer for discovering his secret. He then admits that he was only acting as an insane person right from the start. Aaron/Roy said that there never was an Aaron; he also added that Aaron was his invented persona, and that he is really Roy all along. Stampler further declared to have slaughtered the archbishop, and even Linda, his girlfriend. Taken aback and disappointed from what he heard Vail walks out of the cell room, with Roy nastily annoyed him from his chamber. The mental disorder that was acted upon by the actor Edward Norton/Aaron Stampler is called Dissociative Personality Disorder or DID. Formerly identified as the Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD, it is referred to as a mental disorder involving dissociation of the self wherein the self becomes divided into two or more distinct personalities each with their separate thoughts, characteristics and memories. As with the movie, Edward Norton possess a second character with whom he called Roy. Alternation of control by the personalities can also be seen in a MPD person. It is when a bodily control and access to consciousness switches between the personalities, although some may be more dominant than others and thus spend more time in control. In the movie Roy is the dominant personality of Aaron. The identities or personality state, sometimes called alters, self-states, alter identities, or parts, among other terms, differ from one another in that each presents as having its own individuality proportional to the continuing pattern of perception, connecting to, and view about the surroundings and identity. Amnesia and unconscious barriers between personalities are also apparent. There may be a mutual or one-way lack of conscious awareness and memory access between personalities. Some may experience ‘blackouts’ or lost time when others take control, some can be directly aware of other personalities’ existence, thoughts and memories. In the case of Aaron, he said to his lawyer, Richard Gere/Martin Vail that he was there when the bishop was killed but then he wasn’t able to see the killer because he blacked out and was lost in time. Clinical manifestations of DID can be perplexing and harrowing for a therapist. Switching of personalities may produce diverse physical appearances such as strikingly different facial expressions; permutations in posture and body language, change in handedness, different hair styles, and reversals in out-ward gender presentation, significant weight gain or loss over short periods of time, and voice changes. Alternate personalities may demonstrate the behaviors that manifest their perceptions of themselves. They may speak in different accents and even different languages; their handwriting may be different; some may be creative in different arts, others not at all; and some may be male, others female in their self-perceptions, life histories and dress. In Aaron’s case while he was being harshly crossed-examined by the prosecutor Janet Venable/Laura Linney, Roy was able to come out into his personality. His behavior changed from being a meek person into an aggressive individual one. His tone of voice was loud and angry rather than modest and reserved as what Aaron is. To diagnose a person with a dissociative personality the DSM-IV-TR are used by therapists in order for them to identify if the person really suffers the said mental illness. There should be an existence of two or more distinctive characteristics or personalities; there is also should be at least two of these personalities periodically are in charge of the person’s behavior. As well as, the inability to remember personal information that cannot be accounted for ordinary forgetfulness and the disturbance is not a cause of physiological results of a substance such as the alcoholic beverages (Kluft & Fine, 1993). Clinical studies report female to male ratios between 5:1 and 9:1 for diagnosed cases. Etiology of this mental illness is strongly linked to severe experiences of early childhood trauma, usually maltreatment and abuses and about 85 to 97 percent of cases are the reported rates of severe childhood trauma. Physical and sexual abuses are the most frequently reported sources of childhood trauma. In the film, Aaron was sexually abused by the bishop, and he also experienced physical abuses from his father when he was young, which may have been the cause why an alter personality of Roy emerge in time when the bishop was killed. It was further described that dissociation as an unconscious defense mechanism in which a group of mental activities split off from the main stream of consciousness and function as a separate unit. The purpose of dissociation as what Aaron and Roy did in the film is to take memory or emotion that is associated with a trauma. It is a creative way of keeping the unacceptable out of the picture, it is to keep the secrets and constantly learn to get used to the environment, a lifesaving defense. It also maintains the attachment to the abuser and permit strong, sometimes contradicting, emotions to be kept in separate compartments of the mentality. Many said that DID could be faked, they claimed it is only the way a person will make in order for him to avoid responsibilities and stress. Evidences stated that some criminal offenders used this mental illness as their defense in order to escape the verdict that the law will give to them, as what Aaron said to Vail. However, a number of studies shown that DID cannot be faked. Wherein, the changes in Aaron to Roy’s persona is hard to act as what S. D. Miller concluded in his study that optical changes, including measures of visual perception, apparent refraction, and eye muscle stability which are unconsciously differ when an alter emerge are hard to fake. Nowadays, up-to-date EEG and MRI can also be used because it shows the changes in brain function when one personality switches into another. A number of subsequent studies confirm that various alters have unique psychophysiological profiles. Various treatments are now used to cure DID such as Psychotherapy, Cognitive Therapy, Hypnosis, Psychopharmacological Interventions Other therapies are Electroconvulsive Therapy, Group Therapy, and Family Therapy.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Brief Research of Christian Science Essay - 775 Words

Christian Science What is Christian Science? Who is Mary Baker Eddy? Where does Christian Science come from? Is Christian Science like Scientology? What are Christian Science beliefs? Why are we here and where do we go when we die? These question may be raised when you hear Christian Science. Christian Science is unique in its own way, it may not seem all that amazing like other religions but Christian Science is truly amazing over all. Some people refer to Christian Science as non-Christian or an a cult, but that’s not true. Christian Science is a religion that formed more slowly than other religions but is still a good religion. Christian Science is a religion that lets you understand God, Jesus Christ, good from evil,†¦show more content†¦Unlike Christian Science, â€Å"in Scientology there is no belief in the Holy Bible, God, or Jesus Christ.† (â€Å"The Differences Between Scientology and Christian Science†). Christian Science and Scientology are not the same in anyway yet people still confuse the two. Christian Science don’t have to many beliefs but they do have words that were left behind for other Christian Scientists. â€Å"Christian Science religion teaches the existence of an all-powerful God and the authority and inspiration of the Bible. Christian Scientists believe in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus to be essential to human redemption. Mary Baker Eddy taught the belief in one God and unlike traditional orthodox Christianity, described God with the synonyms: Principle, Soul, Mind, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love.† (â€Å"What is Christian Science?†). â€Å"There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.† (SH 468 quoted in â€Å"What is Christian Science?†) According the beliefs of Christian Science, humans are just subjects to the law of matter as long we believe that weShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Of Eugenics And Genetic Engineering1632 Words   |  7 PagesHowever, in the last 150 years, humanity has made great strides in the science of genetics. In that time, there have been some subjects that have been highly controversial: eugenics and genetic engineering. The history of these topics is colored with ethical and moral quandaries that have been topics for fierce debates since the early 1900s, and they continue to this day. 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