Saturday, November 9, 2019

Aviatin Policy

Airline Policy & Strategy Assessment 1 Academic Year 2012-2013 Formulating Analysing & Researching Policy The first assessment for this module asks you to deconstruct a piece of tourism policy. It draws directly on the research paradigm outlined by Fidgeon & Ritchie (2005). In addition it develops the self-directed activities you have been recommended to undertake in your study pack together with our work in lectures and tutorials. As a consequence you should be familiar with all of the tasks being assessed in this exercise.Before you launch into the assessment, read the policy document you have been given thoroughly. In addition the assessment also requires that you find some additional detailed information. Check that you have it to hand. Engage with the literature here. This requires you to reference material and include this in a bibliography at the back of this assessment You have seven weeks to complete this task. The deadline for submission is 12 noon on Friday 22nd March 2013 . Answer in the space provided below each question.Alternatively if you wish you can replicate the assessment on your own PC and submit a word processed version. Completed scripts should be submitted to the Faculty Office (TC375) with an accompanying cover sheet. An electronic copy of your work should also be submitted through Turn-it-in by the same date and time. Remember, this should be treated as an individual task. Identical scripts will be treated as plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly. This exercise will count as the equivalent of 40% to your overall assessment mark. If there are any problems see me at the end of your lecture or tutorial or lternatively make an appointment to see me at a mutually convenient time. Paul Fidgeon February 2013 Task 1. Tourism policy can be conceptualised as an integrated set of components. The first step in this process is to understand what you can do and what is legally, ethically and politically acceptable (the developmental philosoph y). To this end, what underlying philosophies have influenced this policy and how? Identify five here. — Task 2 From an understanding of the socio-economic and political parameters that influence a piece of policy it is possible to come up with a vision.With reference to the literature identify what is visioning? Provide an example of a vision statement from your policy document. (Note it may be necessary to read between the lines if this is not immediately obvious. ) Why is it necessary to undertake such an exercise? According to Meadows(2004) visioning means taking off the constraints of ‘’feasibility’’, of disbelief and past disappointments, letting your mind dwell upon its most noble, uplifting, treasured dreams. To ensure sufficient hub capacity is in place to handle forecast aircraft and passengers, with improved resilience.Heathrow has taken steps towards becoming Europe’s hub of choice. The capital investment programme has modernised Heathrow to provide a better experience for its passengers. Heathrow’s ASQ score, an internationally benchmarked survey measure of passenger satisfaction, has been improved from 3. 43 in 2007 to 3. 88 in 2011. It achieved its highest ever score of 3. 92 in the survey for the first quarter of 2012 which continues to position Heathrow as one of Europe’s leading hubs, with the airport ranking first among the five largest airports in Europe on 15 of 33 survey measures.Task 3 Any vision will always be influenced by the mission statement of the company or organisation responsible for formulating that policy. Identify the mission statement of this company/organisation. To give safety and security the highest priority at all times by systematically assessing and managing our safety and security risks through audited, best practice management systems. Task 4 Any policy will include a statement of what it hopes to achieve i. e. its aims. Outline any five policy aims taken direct ly from your policy document. 1. Terminal 2 Replacement.Which will have a satellite pier T2B, with 16 boarding gates catering for the largest aircraft. It will also have an energy centre that will be built with sustainability at its heart. 2. Airport Capacity Optimisation: To optimise capacity within the constraint of 480,000 ATMs. The western campus A380 stands projects will increase T3/T4 A380 capability in preparation for anticipated additional A380 aircraft. 3. Portfolio of projects: Encompasses the wider set of capital projects outside the major strategic business change programmes. It includes regulatory compliance, environment and safety. 4.IT/ Systems: The programme implements technology which reduces operating costs and delivers improved value to Heathrow’s business, airline and passenger stakeholders. Projects include: IT Security, Radio and Cellular infrastructure and Integrated Baggage IT. 5. Western Baggage product: The T3 Integrated Baggage System will replace t he life expired baggage infrastructure in Terminal 3. The project will provide the Terminal 3 airline community with a modern baggage facility, it will also improve minimum connect times and miss connect rates. Task 5 How will these aims be operationalised? i. e. ut into practice. (Note one sentence is all that is needed here) –Mission statement is to make every journey better. Task 6 Outline five demand and five supply orientated strategies found in your policy document. Demand Strategies 1. Balance capacity across the LHR campus 2. Be prepared for growth in A380 traffic 3. Protect Heathrow reputation 4. Minimising the effect of capacity constraints at Heathrow 5. Support argument for future Capacity at LHR by delivery of Environmental Benefit Supply strategies 1. New model line 2. Terminal five transfers Add security Lanes 3. T3 South Wing HVAC Replacement . Way finding strategy Initiative 5. Terminal five early bag store capacity increase Task 7 Clearly some ‘entityà ¢â‚¬â„¢ (i. e. body or organisation) must be designated with the responsibility for writing, co-ordinating and implementing any policy document. In the case of this policy, who has such responsibility? How do they envisage conducting their role(s)? For example, will they take total responsibility for the document and its content or will they designate certain responsibilities? – A comprehensive structure is in place to engage with the airline community on the Q5 programme and beyond.The Joint Steering Team (JST) provides a forum for cross campus consultation and is attended by representatives from the home based carriers, the alliances, IATA and the AOC. The Information Technology (IT)/Systems scope is covered by three separate portfolios; Airport Operational Systems, Infrastructure Renewal and Business Planning and Support Solutions The management and allocation of PSDH funds is governed through the Joint Steering Team (JST). Task 8 Finally we used the term stakeholder for a ny person who seeks to influence the policy making process.Give some examples of the stakeholders who influenced this policy document. How were they involved? (How did they get their views across? ) Were they successful in influencing policy decisions? Again it will be necessary to engage with the wider literature here to fully answer this question. Hall( 2002) states that anyone who can influence the process of making policy individual, group, political party, preserve group. The Surface Access Stakeholder Programme Board was formed in November 2009, the programme Board meets on a quarterly basis and is chaired by the Heathrow Surface Access Project Manager.The purpose is to ensure airlines and key stakeholders are engaged with the Programme objectives and delivery, so that the objectives are achieved.. it provides stakeholders with an overview of all solutions in the programme to assure alignment and also demonstrate compliance with the CAA Q5 CIP settlement Annex G. The principal interfaces associated with this programme are many and cover the breadth of the existing Capital Delivery Programmes right through to the CAA.These interfaces are centrally about the development of information upon which the Q6 Capital Investment Plan will be based. These interfaces are therefore central to this programme being successful. Internally the team will be leveraging the appointed business unit Champions in identifying and generating effective engagement with key areas of the business. Externally key airline stakeholders will have a significant part to play. External sub groups are focusing on the development and review of key concepts as part of the development of the Q6 Capital Investment Plan.Mark Allocation In planning your time you might find it useful to consult the following table. This outlines the allocation of marks attached to each element of this assessment. Obviously spend the most time on those questions with the greatest number of marks. Task 1 10 marks Ta sk 2 5 marks Task 3 2 marks Task 4 5 marks Task 5 1 mark Task 6 10 marks Task 7 7 marks Task 8 10 marks Total 50 marks Airline & Airport Policy Module code: TH60052E Module Leader: Paul Fidgeon Student Name: 21067373

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