Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 20

Final - Essay Example Some of the refugees moved to Russia while others moved to settle in India. At the same time, about 2-3 million people returned home after the Soviets left. After the Soviets left, a civil war erupted which displaced over 5 million people to neighboring nations (Runion, p. 115). The Taliban fighters seized control of the country in 1994 and started to persecute non-Islamic religions and limited women rights. This led to the educated, women, religious minorities, and critics of the Taliban to flee the country. This refugees migrated to western nations like the United States and Canada where the Taliban had no influence (Runion, p. 121). The results of stream effectiveness for the refugees depicts the fact people were fleeing Afghanistan and into other countries. The 100 percent stream effectiveness points to the fact that no refugees were moving into Afghanistan. The gross migration and the net migration of the country was the same. The high out migration rate of 89.8181 shows that the rate at which the Afghans fled their country was so high. The fear of death and looking for a means of survival was the main driving force in this migration rate. The main ethnic group in Afghanistan, the Pushtuns, moved from the South eastern provinces of the country. They moved through the Durand line into the North West Frontier Province in Pakistan as they had distant relatives. As their number increased, they were relocated by the Pakistan government away from the border areas. The Baluch and Hazara ethnic group refugees moved from Afghanistan into the capital of Baluchistan of Pakistan. Another group of Hazara refugees settled in Quetta part of Pakistan where they had relatives (Cultural Survival). The Uzbek refugees from northern Afghanistan were settled in Karachi, the Sind Province of Pakistan. Around 18,500 Uzbek refugees live in 320 villages. The Kirghiz refugees

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